Web Design II

Lecture 2: Javascript Fundamentals

In this class, we will cover the basics of the Javascript language, looking at data types, operators, arrays, the onClick function, and Javascript debugging practices. We will also look at Github, one of the most widely used code management tools available, and use Github pages to publish our web site that was begun last week.

You should complete the Activities 1: Quiz today

Home Work

  • Using the concepts that you have learned this week, complete Practive Activity: InnerHTML
    • create a simple Web page
    • Add two buttons
    • Add an area within the HTML that you will change content
    • When a user clicks on a button have that content change with the area you have designated to change.
  • Push the code you created for your Pratice Activity 1, to your github.io repo
  • Submit a link to your Practice Activity page you uploaded to Github in Blackboard

If our artists are not versed in technology, who will imagine what we can become, who will ask what we should not be?