Web Design II


Queens College
Web Design II

Mondays 6:00PM - 9:50PM
Klapper 107

Course Description

This is an advanced website design and development class focusing on front-end development (JavaScript and how to use with HTML and CSS). We will look at how to use Canvas for visulatizations and art pieces. We will cover the JavaScript framework like jQuery (and Bootstrap). We will be spend time on interaction, motion and data retrieval using publicly available APIs. The class will be discussing how to create interactive websites for both desktop platforms, mobile and tablet as well as the “internet of things” devices.


JavaScript & jQuery by Jon Duckett

HTML & CSS by Jon Duckett

Course Repo


Course Requirements

Your participation in the class labs and activities will ensure your success. Portions of classroom time will be dedicated to completing hands-on learning activities. Some of these activities will be graded.

For the assignments, you are expected to produce work that is full of energy and completed and presented to the best of your ability.

It is your responsibility to turn in work on time, to make up any missed assignments, and to catch up with the class in the event of an absence.

  • Practice activities can be made up at any point.
  • Assignments can be made up with partial credit.
  • Mid Term and Final Project will lose a point a day for being late.

Contact the professor by email in advance if you will be late with the Mid Term or Final. For the most up-to-date information (including what is due next class) visit the class website.

Visual assignments and projects will be graded based on: one for technical merit, concept and your demonstrated ability to understand the material. You are expected to spend as much time working outside the classroom as you work inside the classroom. Schedule your time accordingly.

It is recommended that you bring your own laptop if you have one. This course will be hands-on activities driven, and some activities will include installing of software. You should have a 4gb or larger thumbdrive to transfer digital files. The class will include a lesson on using Github as a file hosting space. You will use Github to submit assignments. Emailed files will not be acceptable.

Professor Information

Name: Barbra Masters
Email: barbra.masters@qc.cuny.edu or masters.redux [at] gmail.com
Office Hours: This class is structured to include ample lab time to work through technical aspects of the course and to receive assistance. If you have questions outside of the class time, contact me via email to schedule a remote meeting.



Practice Activities 20%

  • Practice Activity 1: InnerHTML (5% due Week 3)
  • Practice Activity 2: Javascript Object (5% due Week 5)
  • Practice Activity 3: JQuery UI (5% due week 9)
  • Practice Activity 4: JSON Set (5% due week 10)
Skills Assignments 30%
Mid Term Project 20% (due Week 6 & 7)
Final Project 30 30% (due Week 12 & 14)


Your participation in the class labs and activities will ensure your success. For this reason, the practice activities will be used as the measure of your participation and attendance.


  • To earn an A
    All class work and homework is excellent. Projects have been completed when assigned. The work shows a development and understanding of the principles discussed in class and exceeds expectaions. It is presented immaculately. There is regular and prompt attendance and participation during critiques and an enthusiasm toward the material being presented throughout the semester. This is exceptional work.
  • To earn a B
    All assigned work completed in a thorough manner. An understanding of the principles and lessons covered in class is evident. The student comes to class regularly and on time and participates in critiques and discussions. This is better than average work.
  • To earn a C
    Most class assignments and homework have been completed. Regular attendance but minimal or negative class participation. There is at least some understanding of what’s being presented in class. This student shows some interest in the course content. This is average work.
  • To earn a D
    Most class assignments and homework have not been completed. Marginal effort made to understand the course objectives and very little or negative participation on behalf of the student. Spotty attendance. This means below average work.
  • To earn an F
    Student has not completed 1⁄3 of the course work and has missed too many classes. This student doesn’t participate or has a bad attitude and shows no interest. It means not enough work, attendance, and/or effort to pass the class.

If our artists are not versed in technology, who will imagine what we will become, who will ask what we should not be?